How Artificial Turf Installation Impacts the Environment

How Artificial Turf Installation Impacts the Environment

Posted by The Synthetic Turf Co Calgary on 1st Feb 2024

How Artificial Turf Installation Impacts the Environment

Artificial turf installation benefits you by dramatically reducing the amount of time and effort you have to spend on lawn maintenance, in addition to the savings on your water bills. Synthetic lawns are better for the environment as well. Read on to learn more about some of the myriad ways artificial grass benefits our planet. Call us today for a consultation!

Decreased Water Usage

Dwindling water supplies are an issue in many areas across the country as we adapt to a changing climate. Many homeowners work hard to minimize their water usage to preserve this essential resource for future generations. Switching from a natural lawn to an artificial one is one of the most efficient ways to do this, as natural grass requires large amounts of water. With an artificial turf installation, you can drastically reduce your property's water usage.

No Pesticides or Other Chemical Treatments

While natural lawns require occasional chemical treatments to control pests, weeds, and various lawn diseases, artificial lawns require none of these. The backing of the turf acts as a barrier against weeds, and pests are not attracted to artificial grass, as there is no source of food for them. Of course, artificial turf installations are not susceptible to disease, so there is no need for chemical treatments of any kind. Chemicals used on real grass can leach through the soil and into the groundwater, creating potential health hazards for humans, animals, and plants. Artificial grass completely eliminates this issue.

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Less Pollution from Lawn Mowers

Although some modern lawn mowers use electric power and others feature manual operation, a large portion are still powered by gasoline. In addition to depleting fossil fuels, this also creates pollution each and every time the mower is used, spreading contaminants into the air and contributing to global warming. Synthetic lawns never need to be mowed, so you can breathe easier, knowing that you are creating minimal pollution in caring for your yard. This includes the noise pollution that lawn mowers create in your neighborhood as well.

Use of Recycled Materials

While it is true that some artificial turf products are made from plastics, there are many options that are constructed from recycled materials. This helps to keep waste out of landfills by repurposing it, reducing overall waste and pollution. Not only that, but when portions of your turf become damaged or worn out, it can then be recycled again once you replace it with new turf, resulting in no waste at all.

Organic Infill Options

Even the infill material, which provides structure, stability, and texture to your artificial lawn, can be eco-friendly. Materials like walnut shells are free of chemicals and pollutants, and they are fully biodegradable over time. This results in zero waste and no carbon footprint. If you eventually decide to remove your synthetic lawn or it gets worn out, the infill material will ultimately return to the earth, completing the cycle.

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Learn More About the Environmental Benefits of Artificial Turf Installation

These are just a few of the many benefits synthetic grass has for our environment. Our team of turf experts would love to tell you more about how making the switch can benefit both you and our planet as a whole. We welcome your inquiries, so don't be shy about reaching out. We'll gladly answer all of your questions to help you decide if a synthetic lawn is right for you.

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about our various turf products and their benefits for the environment. Once you have chosen your preferred synthetic grass variety, we can arrange the artificial turf installation for you as well. Call The Synthetic Turf Co. to get started today with a free consultation.