
Help! There’s a Sinkhole in My Artificial Grass!

Help! There’s a Sinkhole in My Artificial Grass!

Posted by The Synthetic Turf Co. Calgary on 1st Jun 2024

Artificial grass offers a durable, low-maintenance alternative to natural grass, perfect for homeowners seeking a lush, green lawn without the constant upkeep. However, even the best installa … read more
How to do Base Prep for Artificial Turf Installation

How to do Base Prep for Artificial Turf Installation

Posted by The Synthetic Turf Co. Calgary on 1st May 2024

Artificial turf installation is a popular choice for homes these days, thanks to the minimal maintenance requirements and perennially lush appearance. However, there is more to the installation pro … read more
What Will Wreck My Artificial Grass?

What Will Wreck My Artificial Grass?

Posted by The Synthetic Turf Co. Calgary on 1st Apr 2024

Artificial grass is known for its ease of care and durability. It isn't prone to pest activity or lawn disease like natural grass, and it is also highly resistant to damage. However, that doesn't … read more